Austrian Minister Denounces Charity ‘Cow Kiss Challenge’


The Austrian government has issued a warning to internet users to reject an online cow-kissing challenge. Officials are dubbing the challenge a “dangerous nuisance”.

The Guardian reports that on Wednesday, a Swiss-based app called Castl initiated the ‘KuhKussChallenge’ aka ‘Cow Kiss Challenge’.

The application was asking users in Switzerland and other German-speaking nations to kiss cows to raise money for charity. The criteria of the challenge also stated that it could be done “with or without tongues”.

In a statement issued today, Thursday 16th, the agricultural minister had this warning:

“Pastures and meadows are not petting zoos – actions like these could have serious consequences.”

The statement also advises that cows could become aggressive as they are presently caring for their calves.

Seeking a balanced experience for tourists and cattle farmers is of great concern in Austria’s mountain regions. Both are vital for the region’s economy.

The government has already published a “code of conduct” for hikers in a bid to deal with the serious issue of aggravating cattle. The document advises them to avoid herds of cows wherever possible.

Köstinger, concluded:

“Actions like this fly in the face of our efforts to promote co-existence on the pastures. I simply can’t understand it.”

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