Calls For Workers To Have More Rights On Tips

Calls For Workers To Have More Rights On Tips

Tips can be the difference between paying rent and living in poverty for some workers in the service industry.

The comments were made at an event this morning which is calling for tougher laws on tipping.

A press conference was held this morning in support of a Sinn Fein bill which would give workers a legal right to their tips.

Former worker at the Ivy restaurant and Unite member Julia Marciniak says many workers in the service industry can’t survive without tips.

Legislation that would ban employers from using tips to help pay workers wages is being introduced but it’s claimed that it doesn’t go far enough.

Senator Paul Gavan’s bill passed the Seanad last week and would give workers a legal right to their tips.

Unite Senior Officer Brendan Ogle says the new bill is needed because restaurants are trying to get around the tipping issue.

The new legislation will also require restaurants to display their tipping policy