Marty Miller: How Much To Go See The Rolling Stones?


You like your music.. You like DECENT music, otherwise, after seeing our RADIO NOVA logo above these words,  you wouldn’t be reading this now.

Do you like your music that much though, that in these financially strapped times in which we now live, you’d pay over to €6,000 for a ticket to see The Rolling Stones??? Some of us did. I wasn’t one that did, maybe you weren’t either, but someone did..

The Stones are rolling again, as they hit the road for their 50th Anniversary. They did play some tiny warm up shows in France a few weeks ago, you could have (and maybe you did) see them play Vicar St size venues in Paris for little or nothing. BUT once the shows came to London this week, (The O2 last night and last Sunday), the ticket prices were BIG! GRRRRRRR big even!!  Over 6 grand for pit tickets for last night’s show and it’s pretty much the same deal when they roll into New York next week, up to 2 grand a ticket!

Hey you, get off THAT cloud.. you’re dreamin!

By the way, must point out, those prices were and are through Resellers like “Seatwave” and “Viagogo” (Still dreamin!)

Finally, because you REALLY do like your music, we got some wonderful news at Radio NOVA this week. You see, things are changing for the better within our industry in Ireland.  I won’t say too much about it now till all the i’s are dotted and T’s are crossed. BUT let’s just say..  previously when other stations would claim to be “more music” type stations, they were talking through their a**es!

From Monday, let’s physically count the amount of songs an hour on Radio NOVA and on other stations and let’s see WHO really is playing more music!!!? (Then again, I already know the answer to that!)

Chat to you, weekdays on Radio NOVA from 2-7 or on twitter all the time.. @martymillernova.

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