Rents Hit Record Highs Across The Country


Rents nationwide have hit record highs again.

The average monthly rent is €1,261, according to the latest Daft report.

That’s up 11.5% in the first three months of the year. Monthly rents are €232 euro more than they were in 2008.

Trinity College economist Ronan Lyons is author of the Daft Report and says Dublin didn’t see the biggest rate of inflation.

Housing charities have called for stronger government action to enforce Rent Pressure Zones. The measure is supposed to limit rent rises to 4%  per year.

Chairperson of Threshold Aideen Hayden says the problem’s now a national issue:


“The narrative that this is a Dublin, Cork, Galway problem is well and truly disabused at this stage.
When you look at, for example,  rent increases in Limerick of over 17 %, Galway of nearly 14% and in Waterford of over 15 %. What threshold is saying –  very clearly –  is that we need the rent pressure zone legislation to work – this really is a national problem.”