Heart-Warming Karaoke Video Released Ahead Of World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day

Team 21 Tots in conjunction with The Down Syndrome Centre have released a karaoke video set to the song ‘How Long Will I Love You’ by Ellie Goulding.

The video features 30 families and their children lip-syncing and signing the words to this beautiful song. As you will see the kids have got one thing in common – an extra chromosome.

The video will broadcast this video on social media on March 6th in preparation for World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st.

The group is calling on viewers to share the video to raise positive awareness around Down Syndrome and change perceptions of children with special needs.

Their goal is to show the world how valued and cherished the kids are by their families and the words of the song echo this perfectly.

They’re hoping the video can go viral but are asking for your help in sharing it as far and wide as you can.

So we urge you on March 6th to share share share…