Video: Hungover Guy Explains How He Woke Up In The Wrong House!


We might do something silly when we’ve had a few from time to time. Maybe forget you put your keys in the fridge or crash out on the sofa without making it to bed, this Scottish gentleman took it to the next level and got the wrong house!

In a hilarious video shared on Facebook, a man from Glasgow has explained how he managed to wake up in a total stranger’s home. The fella who can’t stop laughing was convinced he’d been at a party in the house the night before.

The man explains:  “This couple have woke me up, right, and went, ‘who are you?’ and I’m like, ‘what are you talking about? I was at this party last night here,’ and they were like, ‘trust me, there was no party here last night — you just woke up on our couch’”

Apparently, the guy had attempted to get a taxi home from a party but missed it. Then when he went back into the house, he went into the neighbour’s house and even made himself a pot noodle while drunk! Luckily his ‘hosts’ were Glaswegians, so they were pretty cool about it!

Check out the very funny video below!

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