Bad News For Fianna Fáil In The Latest Opinion Poll


Fianna Fáil has fallen to its lowest level of support in two years according to the latest Sunday Times/Behaviour and Attitudes poll. The party is now 13 points points behind Fine Gael. The party has dropped 3 to 21 per cent support – its lowest level in two years. Sinn Fein is the second most popular party in the country on 22 per cent. But a 2 point drop in since the last poll suggests the honeymoon may be over for new leader Mary Lou McDonald.

Fine Gael is well clear of the field – up three to 34 per cent support. Leo Varadkar remains the most popular party leader in the country with a satisfaction rating of 56 per cent – ahead of Mary Lou McDonald on 53 and Micheál Martin on 49. The governments satisfaction rating is up 2 to 48% The Independent Alliance is up 1 to 4, with Independents overall getting 10 per cent of the vote.

The Labour Party is down 1 to 3. The Green Party have 2 per cent support. While the Social Democrats and Solidarity People Before Profit have one per cent support each. The poll was conducted among 931 voters between July 5th and 17th.