Ibrahim Halawa Returns Home To Ireland Today


Ibrahim Halawa was released from prison in Egypt last week and is on his way home after more than four years in jail in Cairo.

After a mass trial that was delayed for years, Mr Halawa was cleared of all charges last month and freed on Thursday. He’s posted on Instagram to say he’s finally out of Egypt and looking forward to being back in Ireland.

Amnesty International’s Colm O’Gorman says it’s great to see him back:

“Delighted to see the pictures of his smiling face this morning as he borarded the palne to come back to Ireland -so it’ll be quite the home coming – so we are thrilled and delighted – just huge jubilee for him and his family.”

But he adds, what Ibrahim had to go through was horrendous;

“As a consequence of just simply participating in a protest; peacefully exercising his right to freedom of assembly and and freedom of expression; he spent four years in  a prison cell in Egypt from the age of 17. It’s appalling, barbaric, it’s horrific –  but sadly it’s not unusual in the Egyptian context.”

Ibrahim Halawa is due to arrive back in Dublin Airport this morning where he’ll be greeted by family and friends.