Pearl Jam Fans Boycott Eagles Of Death Metal Frontman


Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes has received both criticism and praise from liberals and conservatives alike on social media.

That’s after comments he made where he trashed the gun control rally, March For Our Lives which was held over the weekend by survivors of the high school shooting in Florida. Hughes called the protest ‘disgusting’ and ‘pathetic’.

Hughes was a survivor of the ISIS terrorist attack in Paris at the Bataclan during a November 2015 Eagles of Death Metal show. Paris has strict gun control laws, and Hughes was very critical of the laws and security at the venue. Hughes is also a supporter of the second amendment and gun rights.

Taking to social media, Pearl Jam fans have lashed out at Hughes’ comments over the protest at the weekend:

However, Hughes also received some praise from conservatives and second amendment supporters on the social media site too:

On Instagram over the weekend, Hughes originally wrote:

“Obviously… The best thing to do to combat chronic abusers and disregarders of the law(like the law against Murder) is to… pass another Law! Genius!!! But before we pass this law we’re going to denigrate the memory and curse ourselves by exploiting the death of 16 of our fellow students for a few Facebook likes and some media attention….and look how well civil rights abuses as it concerns firearms helped to protect me and my friends in Paris!!!!!

“This almost sounds like the plan of like a kid maybe like a high school student….!. Oh wait that’s right…. The Whitney Houston song about letting the children lead the way wasn’t actually had operating paradigm for life…..And when the truth don’t line up with your bullshit narrative just hold your breath and stamp your feet and refused to except it…. then take multiple days off of school playing hooky at the expense of 16 of your classmates blood….!…. it might be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic and disgusting…

“As the survivor of a mass shooting I can tell you from first-hand experience that all of you protesting and taking days off from school insult the memory of those who were killed and abuse and insult me and every other lover of liberty by your every action… Long Live Rock’n’Roll… and may everyone of these disgusting vile abusers of the dead live as long as possible so they can have the maximum amount of time to endure their shame… and be Cursed…”

The singer has since deleted his Instagram post.