Juncker Mocks British PM With ‘Maybot’


European Commission president Jean Claude Juncker didn’t miss a step with his version of the “the Maybot” in Brussels today.

He appeared to mock Theresa May’s much discussed recent dancing moves in a style that appeared to resemble the PM’s unique moves on stage at an event in Brussels.

Mr Juncker is seen apparently performing as he put his arms out and jigged along to some music before his face broke out into a large grin. The EU denied that he was mimicking Mrs May’s actions.

Mrs May shimmied out onto the stage before her Conservative Party Conference speech to ABBA’s Dancing Queen.
Theresa May dances before Tory conference
Courtesy: Evening Standard

Her entrance was seen as a way of hitting back at critics after she was filmed showing off her moves during a trip to Kenya.

Mr Juncker was speaking at the European Committee of the Regions. He has been at odds with Mrs May for much of the UK’s Brexit negotiations, most damningly pouring scorn over her Chequers proposals.

Come on! Join in on the fun…….

Hit play!
