iTunes Gift Card Scam Returns Duping People Into COVID-19 Donations

iTunes card

Gardai are warning that a former iTunes gift card scam is back, this time with a link to Covid-19.

People have been tricked in to buying the gift cards, by scammers who then use the code to buy products online.

This scam has been highlighted before but has re-emerged in recent days with a slight twist.

Gardai say people have received fraudulent emails from a person asking them to buy iTunes gift cards, which would be donated to a local hospice, and referenced Covid19.

The scammer asks the people to share the 16-digit code on the back of the card, which they then use to purchase goods online.

Gardaí are advising people to be vigilant, and in particular they say the person contacting you may have some information about you, so don’t trust them just because they use your name.

They’re warning people to say no to unsolicited calls or emails seeking private information.