An Garda Síóchána Spending Over €100,000 Per Month Policing Russian Embassy In Dublin


They’ve ramped up security measures, according to The Irish Times.

A permanent vehicle barrier has been put in place across the entrance of the embassy with a new static post – involving a permanent Garda presence – also created at the entrance. That has involved a Garda car being parked outside with two gardaí in the vehicle.

It’s after the gates were damaged by a truck last week.

After the gates were damaged, the Russian state news agency TASS reported that the Irish Ambassador to Moscow Brian McElduff was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Moscow and strongly reprimanded. In a statement afterwards the Ministry claimed demonstrators outside their Irish base on Orwell Road in Dublin had “adopted tactics widely used by terrorists”.

Since then, The Russian Ambassador to Ireland, Yury Filatov, called for better co-operation from Gardaí after the incident.

Neale Richmond, Fine Gael spokesperson for European Affairs, has called for Filatov’s expulsion.