A centre based in Dublin has found to be majorly non-compliant across a number of areas. An unannounced inspection by HIQA was carried out at Raheny Community Nursing Unit.
The report has found that the elderly residents at a Dublin nursing home were physically restrained during their personal care.
HIQA also found that there were inadequate safeguards in place to protect residents at Raheny Community Nursing Unit when there were allegations of abuse.
The Health watchdog says some were rushed through breakfast before their soiled incontinence wear was changed.
Most residents said staff were very helpful and quick to respond to their needs, but others said they sometimes had to wait for help to get washed and dressed.
The facility is linked to Beaumont Hospital.
It found allegations of abuse made against staff members were investigated but that adequate measures were not put in place to safeguard residents in the immediate aftermath.
It also found residents had to wait for staff to assist them to get washed and dressed. The unannounced inspection carried out in October last year found the centre to be non-compliant in the areas of governance and management, safeguarding and safety, residents' rights, dignity and consultation and in suitable staffing.