U2 Guitarist The Edge Launches Guitar Strap In Support Of Refugee Women

U2 Guitarist The Edge Launches Guitar Straps In Support Of Refugee Women

U2 guitarist The Edge has partnered with social enterprise Love Welcomes to launch Guitar Straps in support of refugee women.

Each guitar strap is hand sewn and includes an orange strip of upcycled life vest worn by refugees in their perilous journey across the Mediterranean before arriving in Greece.

Not only is every strap providing employment to refugee women but proceeds from each sale goes back to the refugee community.

The first five-hundred straps sold will also receive a personally signed postcard from The Edge.

Launching the new Love Welcomes product in advance of World Refugee Day on June 20th The Edge said: “In difficult times, we all cling to the hope of a better future. Love Welcomes works with women and families who have been through the very worst of times, unimaginable trauma and life-changing events.”

He added “The causes of forced migration are super complex but in the end it’s a very human problem that demands a humane response. The principle ought to be “treat others as you would have them treat you”. Love Welcomes attempts to do that and I am proud to be part of their initiative to provide opportunities and employment for migrant and refugee women.”

Watch The Edge Talking About The Collaboration here: