Aslan Plea To Young People #Stayathome During COVID-19


Dublin rockers Aslan have pleaded with young people to heed advice on social distancing during the Coronavirus outbreak with a re-worked video for their hit Crazy World.

There are now 683 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland with a third of those in the 15 to 34 age category.

The band (who were set to play the Olympia on March 16 but will now take to the stage on September 23) urged their fans to stay indoors to help stop the spread of the deadly bug with this statement…

“We are all suffering from Covid-19, the uncertainty, the strange feeling of not being able to live our lives as we normally would. So many have lost their jobs, businesses unable to operate, gigs and events cancelled and so many people unwell having contracted the Coronavirus

We are the only ones who can help in improving the current situation. The information being provided to us to helping toward this, we need to abide by!

Parents, siblings, friends we ask you to share this with the younger generation who may not actually l realise what is really happening in the world right now. This might just help them see the seriousness of the situation and also by not abiding by the information we are being given to protect ourselves and each other, the impact it will continue to have and the lives that are being put at high risk. 

None of us wants to lose any loved ones because of this but sadly we know some lives have been lost and our thoughts are with the families who are suffering from this loss.   

Dr Tony Holohan has stated – 

Current data shows a third of confirmed cases in Ireland are aged between 15-34. This highlights the importance of younger people following social distancing measures, for their own sake and their loved ones.   

Please we ask you to inform the younger generation that just doesn’t seem to be understanding by doing all we can to contain this, we can start to rebuild our lives to being somewhat normal again but most of all we are helping to save lives.

One Love 

The Boyz   


Coronavirus has already claimed the lives of three people and those with underlying conditions are considered to be at high risk if they contract the virus. Aslan singer Christy Dignam has amyloidosis, a rare and incurable form of blood cancer.

With no vaccine available the only way to stop the spread of the disease is by self-isolating as much as possible but there have been reports of young people disregarding this advice and meeting in large groups.

Together with their statement, the band also released a new video of their hit Crazy World saying, “When we wrote ‘Crazy World’ 25 years ago, we felt it was a relevant song then but we could never have imagined that it would be so much more relevant in the situation we are all experiencing currently!”

Taken from the album Goodbye Charlie Moonhead, Crazy World song reached number four on the Irish Singles Chart and stayed in the charts for three months, becoming one of the most played songs on Irish radio in 1993. The song also won “Single of The Year” at 1993’s Hot Press Awards

Earlier in the week Dignam went on twitter with a video encouraging pubs to close and people to engage in social distancing and take extra care with their hygiene because of the dangers of the Coronavirus.

The band joins President Michael D Higgins in warning that “irresponsible individual action puts all at risk”.

He said in a statement: “These new health and social measures may be difficult for many but they affect us all and we are at a point now when a person’s actions have consequences not only for themselves but for all in society.  We must draw on our strengths now. Intergenerational solidarity has been one of the greatest resources of contemporary Irish society”.