Fine Gael’s Josepha Madigan Calls For Enhanced Security Amid Rising Luas Stop Brawls

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Increased Garda patrols and expanded CCTV monitoring are needed at Luas stops throughout Dublin, according to a Fine Gael Minister of State.

Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion, and Dublin Rathdown TD, Josepha Madigan has reacted strongly to recent reports of a number of violent public order incidents and frequent anti-social behaviour at and around Luas stops in Dublin.

The appalling level of violence seen at Balally Luas stop this week cannot be tolerated according to the Dublin Rathdown TD.

Widespread video footage circulated on social media of a violent altercation at the Dublin Luas stop.

An additional 1,000 frontline Gardaí and 430 civilian staff are expected to join the force in 2023.

Minister Madigan stated: “This week we saw video footage circulating widely on social media of a very violent fight at Balally Luas stop in Dundrum.

This kind of appalling violence, which took place in the open with other passengers and children around, cannot be tolerated. Many constituents have also raised with me what they see as increasing anti-social behaviour at Luas stops throughout the city.

I would like to see Gardaí increasingly focusing their patrols on Luas stops to prevent them becoming a hub for anti-social behaviour.

Budget 2023 will deliver the recruitment of an additional 1,000 frontline Gardaí, as well as an extra 430 civilian staff who will help free up more Gardaí for frontline duties.

Fine Gael, through Ministers McEntee and Harris, is committed to creating Stronger, Safer Communities. It is vital that some of these additional Gardaí be used to increase security at and around Luas stops in Dublin.

People have a right to feel safe and secure going about their daily commute. We need to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to this kind of unacceptable behaviour,” Minister Madigan concluded.