Gardaí Out To Quell Speeding With Raft Of New ‘Camera Zones’


Graded System For Speeding Fines

Speed camera vans are now operating in hundreds of new locations all over the country. 903 new speed zones have been formally introduced on our roads.

The network of speed detection services has been expanded, with over 1,300 stretches of road after reviewing nearly a decade of data.

They are being brought in to clamp down on dangerous driving as speed results in one-third of road deaths.

Over 1.5 million speeding tickets have been issued since speed vans were first brought in.

The new zones are being introduced in areas deemed high risk, while almost 600 zones are being phased out because of improved driver behaviour in these locations.

Gardaí insist speed vans are not a cash cow for the State, saying they save lives and cost twice as much as the income they generate.

They are also warning drivers that just because the speed zones in many areas have changed they will still be out in force nationwide targeting dangerous driving.

Since 2010, An Garda Síochána have used the safety cameras through ‘GoSafe’, which operates them on its behalf.

Gardaí say the primary purpose of the cameras is to reduce speed related collisions, lessen injuries and save lives.

Safety cameras operate in areas where there is a history of speed related collisions, known as speed enforcement zones, using a fleet of marked vehicles.

Road deaths have dropped from 415 in 2000 to 148 in 2019.

All zones are available on the Garda website – or can be downloaded from GPS navigation providers such as Garmin, TomTom, Google Maps or Waze.