Google Maps Brings Real-Time Bikeshare Info To Dublin


Google has today announced that it has fully integrated real-time information from DublinBikes stations into Google Maps, making it easier for the public to not only find DublinBikes stations, but also how many bikes are available and how many spaces are vacant at each station, all without leaving the Google Maps app.

Bikesharing is booming, transforming how people get from A to B in cities around the planet. With an estimated 1,600 bikeshare systems and more than 18 million shared bikes in urban centers worldwide, bikesharing has gone mainstream.

For the past year, travellers and commuters in New York City have been using Google Maps to both locate bikesharing stations and see exactly how many bikes are available at a station in real-time. Today, we’re rolling out this feature to a total of 24 cities in 16 countries.

You can now use Google Maps to locate bikeshare stations and pinpoint how many bikes are available near you. You can also find out whether there’s an empty space at a station near your destination for you to leave your bike.

This is all made possible by incorporating a new global bike share data feed directly into Google Maps, thanks to a partnership with Ito World.

Whether you’re travelling in a new city or planning your daily commute, Google Maps is making it easier to weigh all your transportation options with real-time information.

Just like how buses and trains come and go on Google Maps, you’ll now know which bikeshare stations have a bike ready for you.

This bird’s eye view into bikesharing is now available in Google Maps on Android and iOS in the following cities globally with more on the way:

Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Chicago, Dublin, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaohsiung, London, Los Angeles, Lyon, Madrid, Mexico City, Montreal, New Taipei City, New York City, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco Bay Area, São Paulo, Toronto, Vienna, Warsaw, Zurich.