Government Launch Megabucks ‘Housing For All’ Scheme


Housing for All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland’ has been unveiled by the government in its plan to offset the struggles of many many people in Ireland in acquiring a home.

Its target is to Ireland’s housing system and deliver more homes of all types for people with different housing needs.

The government’s overall objective is that every citizen in the State should have access to good quality homes:

  1. to purchase or rent at an affordable price
  2. built to a high standard and in the right place
  3. offering a high quality of life

The government’s vision for the housing system over the longer term is to achieve a steady supply of housing in the right locations with economic, social and environmental sustainability built into the system.

It is estimated that Ireland will need an average of 33,000 new homes to be provided each year from 2021 to 2030. The policy has four pathways to achieving housing for all:

  • supporting home ownership and increasing affordability
  • eradicating homelessness, increasing social housing delivery and supporting social inclusion
  • increasing new housing supply
  • addressing vacancy and efficient use of existing stock

The pathways contain actions to be taken by government departments, local authorities, State agencies and others. The pathways are supported by actions to enable a sustainable housing system.

Housing for All contains 213 actions which will deliver a range of housing options for individuals, couples and families.

For first time buyers:
  1. a supply of an unprecedented 4,000 affordable purchase homes, on average, every year for families, couples and single people
  2. a new local authority-led ‘Affordable Purchase Scheme’
  3. a new ‘First Home’ shared equity scheme for buyers of new build homes in private homes
  4. a reformed ‘Local Authority Home Loan’ scheme
  5. an ‘Owner Occupier Guarantee’, to secure homes for first-time buyers and other owner-occupiers
For renters
  • an average of 2,000 new ‘cost rental’ homes every year, with targets of rents being at least 25% below market level
  • a rent value freeze to 2024 by linking any increases in Rent Pressure Zones to inflation
  • new regulation of short-term lettings through a Fáilte Ireland registration system
  • indefinite tenancies (with no time length) to strengthen security for renters
  • minimum Building Energy Rating standards for private rental dwellings
For low-income households
  1. delivery of over 10,000 new social homes per year to 2030. This will include an average of 9,500 new build units, the highest number in the history of the State.
  2. ending of long-term leasing to provide social homes, moving to delivery of new builds
  3. a strengthened ‘Mortgage to Rent’ scheme to ensure it meets the needs of those in long-term mortgage arrears
  4. changes to the Tenant Purchase Scheme
  5. revision of income eligibility for social housing
For people experiencing homelessness
  • increased ‘Housing First’ targets to 1,200 occupancies over five years
  • a new National Homeless Action Committee
  • Personalised Integrated Healthcare
For people starting again

A ‘Fresh Start’ principle for applications to State affordable housing and loan schemes. This means that people who are divorced or separated and have no interest in the family home, or who have undergone insolvency proceedings, will be eligible to apply.