Jimmy Fallon Is Young


Jimmy Fallon is famous for his impressions but this one is uncanny.

No stranger to A-listers on his Tonight Show, Fallon had American singer/songwriter and all-round music legend Neil Young on his show last night. Not one for the run of the mill Q&A chats, Jimmy decided to showcase his special guest in a different way.

Audience members whooped and cheered as a silhouette perched on a stool in the studio started the chords to ‘Old Man’. The crowd had just finished applauding the song’s intro when the lights went up to reveal the hat-wearing figure hunched over the acoustic guitar was none other than their host: Jimmy Fallon.

Fallon gave his best Neil Young impression yet, singing the 1972 Harvest album classic, until about halfway when, yes, you guessed it, out comes Neil Young himself. Dressed in identical outfits and strumming near-identical guitars, with harmonicas too, Neil Young and Jimmy Fallon gave a heartfelt rendition of the classic song without so much as a grin on either face. This music is far too serious.

The audience, on the other hand, went wild for it.

Check out the video below…