Luas Green Line Enhancement Project Given Go Ahead


The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Shane Ross T.D., today announced plans for the Luas Green Line Capacity Enhancement Project.

Minister Ross said;

I’m delighted to announce that the project to enhance the Luas Green Line will commence in 2018. This is an ambitious endeavour which will see an additional eight trams being added to the Luas fleet, the lengthening of the existing 26 green line trams and the extension of the Sandyford Depot in order to accommodate these longer trams.”

“The new trams will allow for 60 additional passengers to be carried per tram – a total of 369 people per tram in all.”

PHOTO: Copyright Dr Neil Clifton

The Minister continued:

“This is a follow on project from Luas Cross City which I look forward to launching on December 9th. A complementary project to lengthen the platforms at Green Line stations is also near completion. All these initiatives combined will add greatly to the choice and experience of the travelling public and ease congestion in the city.”

The Green Line Capacity Enhancement project is identified in the National Transport Authority’s ‘Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035’. The capacity increases at peak periods provided by the project will assist in reducing crowding on the Green Line thus enhancing accessibility for mobility and sensory impaired users during these periods.

Concluding Minister Ross stated:

“More trams, longer trams, connecting trams, longer platforms and a bigger depot to house them in – all great news for our public transport system.”