Man Seeks Damages After Claims Gwyneth Paltrow’s Candle Blew Up By His Bed

Gwyneth Paltrow - 'This Smells Like My Vagina' candle product

A Texan is seeking a jury trial and damages of $5m after claims that Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina-scented candle product blew up as it lay alight on a bedside table.

Colby Watson alleges that he burned one of Goop’s ‘This Smells Like My Vagina’ candles for around three hours before the candle “exploded” and became “engulfed in high flames”, leaving a “black burn ring”, as the candle jar was turned “charred and black”.

Lawyers for Watson are seeking compensation for their client who “through no fault of their own, bought defective and dangerous vagina-scented candles”.

Goop are unmoved and say it’s “an attempt to secure an outsized payout from a press-heavy product”.

Goop told NBC News that they stand fully behind their brands and verify the safety of any  products it sells, adding that the product has undergone significant performance and safety industry standard testing.