Poll Suggests Support For Fine Gael Has Risen Ahead Of Sinn Féin


The Fine Gael party has seen support rise 30% amongst voters, regaining its lead over Sinn Féin ahead of the Dublin Bay South byelection. Support for Leo Varadkar’s party has risen by 1% since last month’s poll, according to the latest figures published in Business Post/Red C’s poll.

The figure is just enough for Fine Gael to edge past Mary Lou McDonald and the Sinn Féin party, who have remained at 29%. Recent polling months have seen the two parties stuck neck-and-neck, with both well ahead of the Taoiseach’s own party. Just last month saw Sinn Féin rise to its highest ever level in an Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI opinion poll, pulling in 31%.

Support of the Fianna Fáil party has fallen a percentage since May’s polling, floundering at a lowly 13%. Tánaiste, Leo Varadkar and his party have come in for some heavy criticism in recent times, with SF’s Eoin Ó Broin claiming the Tánaiste’s legacy as Fine Gael leader will be “sky-high rents and spiralling high prices”.

Support of the Green Party has remained unchanged as it sits at 5%, while Labour remains at 3%, and the Social Democrats are down a percentage to 4%. Meanwhile, support for Independents has seen a rise by a percentage to 11% and, Solidarity-People Before Profit and Aontú have remained at 2% each.

1,020 people over the age of 18 were surveyed for the Red C’s online poll between June 18th and June 24th. According to the Irish Examiner, the polling might give an indication as to which party currently leads in the upcoming Dublin Bay South by-election on July 8th.

Within the Sunday Business Post, a breakdown of poll figures had shown Fine Gael to be well ahead of the others in the capital at 33%. They are closely followed by Sinn Féin on 25%, with Fianna Fáil currently pulling in support of 12%. In Dublin, the Green Party is polling at 8%, with Labour just behind on 5%.