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Monday, June 17, 2024
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Tag: Coronavirus

25% Increase In Domestic Violence Cases Since The Pandemic

There has been a spike in the number of domestic violence cases since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Gardaí have reported...

New Zealand To Lift All Coronavirus Restrictions

New Zealand is to end their coronavirus restrictions after reporting no active cases. The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has agreed that the country...

Dublin Ready To Reopen

With the latest phase of the government easing of restrictions to begin tomorrow, June 8th, Dublin City Centre is getting ready...

Leo Of The Rings: Taoiseach Quotes Tolkien

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar yesterday quoted the fantasy epic 'Lord of the Rings' in his latest speech on Covid 19. While speaking about...

Temporary Speed Limits Of 30km/h Set To Be Introduced Across...

Temporary speed limits of 30km/h are set to be introduced across Dublin city as part of the council's response to the...

Deacon Blue Stars Reveal Their Coronavirus Experience

Deacon Blue stars Ricky Ross and Lorraine McIntosh have revealed how the coronavirus affected them. Appearing on ITV’s ‘This Morning’ via video...

Taoiseach Tells The Public To Hold Firm

A decision on the next phase of Ireland’s roadmap will only be made on Friday, June 5, the Taoiseach has confirmed. Mr...

Elbow Have Rescheduled Their Ireland And UK Tour For 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic the indie veterans’ tour behind ‘Giants of All Sizes’ has been pushed back to 2021, with...

New Rules For Passengers Arriving Into Ireland From Today

Covid-19 passenger locator forms are being made mandatory from today for all passengers coming into Ireland. Passengers will be asked to give...

Two Metre Social Distance Rule Expected To Be Discussed Today

The Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan will brief Cabinet ministers this afternoon on how Ireland is doing on the fight...