Freddie Mercury Gorilla Row


The guitarist speaks on the removal of the sculpture.

Freddie “Radio Go Go” Mercury is one of 53 gorilla sculptures placed around Norwich by GoGoGorillas!, who are raising funds for gorillas in the Congo.

The sculpture, created in tribute to the late singer, has now however been removed following complaints from the Mercury Phoenix Trust; an Aids charity set up in honour of Freddie after his passing in 1991.
The charity claims that the gorilla misrepresents Freddie’s image and have demanded it be removed and repainted.
Queen guitarist Brian May has taken to Twitter to express his anger over the situation, tweeting: Heard about MPT’s decision about the Freddie gorilla in Norwich? Please get them to change their minds. Outrageous and petty.”

The sculpture was painted by artist Mik Richardson, who has also shared his thoughts: I’m very disappointed, its quite a shame. It’s disappointing something more amicable couldn’t come of it. For another charity to cause such a ruckus about something is a bit unsociable.”

It isbelieved the sculpture will be repainted during the next few days, but not by Richardson.