Morrissey Cancels European Dates Due To A Flu Outbreak


Morrissey has cancelled a string of European tour dates due to a “flu outbreak” amongst his crew.

The singer broke the news, as he so often has this year, on the Morrissey fan site

Earlier this year, Moz cancelled a number of American tour dates before it was revealed that he was being treated for cancer.

The frontman has had a run of bad health, suffering from an ulcer, pneumonia and food poisoning in 2013 and was treated for a respiratory infection earlier this year.

The most serious health issue was announced last month, when Morrissey revealed he was battling cancer.

“They have scraped cancerous tissues four times already, but whatever,” he explained. “If I die, then I die. And if I don’t, then I don’t. Right now I feel good. I am aware that in some of my recent photos I look somewhat unhealthy, but that’s what illness can do. I’m not going to worry about that, I’ll rest when I’m dead.”

He wrote on true-to-you: “Due to ongoing influenza amongst band and crew members tonight’s show at Lausanne (Switzerland) cannot take place,” said a statement yesterday. “It is hoped that the show will be re-scheduled for December. Tomorrow’s show at Basel looks unlikely, although Wednesday’s show at Hannover (Germany) remains firmly in place. Apologies are offered for any inconvenience.”

As it stands, Morrissey’s Dublin show at the 3Arena on December 1st, supported by Anna Calvi, is still set to go ahead.