The Black Keys Cancel More Tour Dates


The Black Keys have been forced to axe more tour dates, cancelling all shows up to April 23rd.

The band’s drummer Patrick Carney injured himself while on holiday in the Caribbean.

While frolicking in the clear blue Caribbean ocean, Patrick was reportedly hit by a rogue wave.

The hospital is always one of the last places you’d want to visit while on holiday, Carney was rushed to St. Barths hospital with a dislocated shoulder.

It’s a pretty devastating injury for a drummer, forcing the rock duo to cancel UK tour dates in February and March.

In a statement the Black Keys said: “We are very sorry to have to cancel our upcoming performances through April 23rd. Patrick sustained a dislocated and broken shoulder in January that required surgery. Working with the doctors, surgeons and physiotherapists since January, we had expected Patrick to be ready to return to touring in April. The recovery process and physical therapy has taken longer than anticipated and unfortunately Patrick is still unable to perform and needs additional time to heal. We thank all of our fans for their ongoing support and we look forward to getting back on the road as soon as possible.”

According to reports from TMZ: “Patrick was rushed to an ER and put under with anesthesia so doctors could reset his shoulder. The drummer is out of the hospital and recovering … but we’re told he’s still in a whole lot of pain.”

Despite being in pain, Carney found time to make light of his situation. He posted a photo on Instagram with the caption: “Tune into my new lifetime movie. ‘Dislocated shoulder’ airing right now.”


The Black Keys speculated that they are ready to make another album, despite only releasing their last record Turn Blue in May 2014.

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