Dave Grohl Spends Super Bowl At Homeless Shelter


Foo Fighters’ lead singer Dave Grohl spent his Super Bowl Sunday barbecuing at a homeless shelter in LA.

Last Sunday, the musician barbecued 70 pork butts at the Woodlands Family Shelter in Woodland Hills, California, as he and friends kindly donated 24 hours of their time to the cause.


Footage of Dave Grohl prepping meat and serving up plates was shared online by non profit organisation Hope of the Valley.

Using the very clever hashtag ‘Foodfighters’ when praising Dave Grohl’s kind gesture on Instagram, Hope of the Valley wrote, “Thank you to Dave and his friends from his studio for hanging out with us and spreading love through a hot meal”. 

They added, “#foofighters turned into #foodfighters”. 

See more below.


This is not the first time that Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl has given up his time for the homeless.

Last March, Grohl cooked a barbecue for 450 people at a homeless shelter in LA, following a series of snow storms which had hit the city around the time. 

Grohl’s gesture came in for particular praise by Valley CEO Rowan Vansleve, who said, “In the middle of the storms this week. This is Dave Grohl cooking over 500 servings of the best barbecue for those living in our shelters. That’s class”. 

Following this, the musician also helped to cook for the homeless from the Feed The Streets charity in LA, along the city’s Yucca and Skid Row areas.

More on this from Nova here.








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