Muse Reveal They Want To Turn New Album Drones Into West End Musical


Muse have revealed that they would like to turn their new album Drones into a West End Musical. The album is set to release next week on June 9th. Muse aren’t strangers to thinking outside the box with their albums, their fifth album The Resistance was almost a rock opera with its grandiose string arrangements.

The new album doesn’t have the same sweeping arrangements, but frontman Matt Bellamy has spoken openly about the underlying themes on the album “It explores the journey of a human, from their abandonment and loss of hope, to their indoctrination by the system to be a human drone, to their eventual defection from their oppressors”.

In an interview with Music Feeds, bassist Chris Wolstenhome spoke about the possibility of turning the album into a musical “I think it would be great to be able to do that at some point”. Chris stated that at the moment they’re more concerned about promoting the new album but said “it would be great to be able to have it incorporated into some sort of musical or something, you know, it’s not something that we’ve ever done before, it would be very exciting to be a part of it.”

Chris discussed how Matt’s idea for the album grew over time “I realised that this wasn’t just, you know, some sort of loose concept that he’d come up with, it was a real kind of story, it was something that was kind of obvious throughout that album from start to finish.” So maybe turning the album into a musical isn’t as much of a stretch as it may have previously seemed.

Photo Credit: Jessica S.

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