Have you ever spent all night at the opera or been pulled back from the dark side by an album?
Then, it's time to stand up and shout for the 50 albums that have changed your life.
This month on Nova, we are compiling the definitive list of the most ground shaking, heart breaking, life changing, records ever played.
But it is your list, so we want your nominations. Name your top 3 albums, and the reasons why by text or better still, by voice note via 087 1818100.
The 50 albums that changed your life, it does not get more seriously addictive.
This all kicks off on Monday November 14, only on Radio Nova.
Such albums which could feature throughout this month could possibly include Nirvana's 'Nevermind', Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours', U2's 'The Joshua Tree', Bruce Springsteen's 'Born In The USA', along with Oasis' 'What's The Story (Morning Glory)'.
For instance, 'Whats The Story (Morning Glory)' features stomping tunes such as 'Some Might Say' and 'Roll With It'.
Another track which features on the record is of course 'Don't Look Back In Anger'. A track which saw Noel Gallagher on vocal duties, as opposed to mainstay frontman Liam Gallagher.
The track's iconic line 'Soooo Sally Can Wait' would reasonate among music lovers far and wide.
The album also features 'Wonderwall', which was also named the most streamed track of the 80s and 90s, according to a recent survey.
Other fans would love Nirvana's 'Nevermind' album, where frontman Kurt Cobain can be heard singing about 'A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido'. The album also celebrated its 30th anniversary last September.
These albums may feature on the list among others. Reminder: These are the The 50 albums that changed your life, it does not get more seriously addictive.
Tune in on Monday November 14 only on Radio Nova.
A reminder that you can text your favourite albums or mention them in a voicenote to 087 1818100.