Today In Music History – October 1st.


Every day on Radio Nova, just before 11am, we play a couple of songs key to “today in music history” Have a listen! But for now – here’s some light reading and watching. October 1st in Music History looks like this.

1956, After test audiences gave a negative reaction to Elvis Presley dying at the end of the film Love Me Tender, The King was called back to re-shoot the scene. In the new ending, the hero lived.

1965, Bob Dylan appeared at Carnegie Hall in New York City. He introduced his new touring band on this tour, made up of guitarist Robbie Robertson, organist Garth Hudson, bassist Rick Danko, pianist Richard Manual and drummer Levon Helm. They will become known simply as The Band.

1967, Thieves broke into Mick Jagger‘s London flat and stole jewellery and furs belonging to his then girlfriend Marianne Faithfull. Also in 1967 and messin with the law..

1970, Jimi Hendrix was buried at The Greenwood Cemetery at the Dunlop Baptist Church Seattle.

1986, Andy McVann drummer with Liverpool band The Farm was killed in a car crash during a police chase.

2004, The Lord Mayor of Melbourne officially opened ‘AC/DC’ Lane after the veteran rockers. The Lord Mayor erected the sign to cheers and bagpipes playing the bands song ‘Long Way To The Top’. (Surely they deserved a bit better than a lane – even if they are a Sydney band!??)

2015, An original tape of The Beatles performing at The Cavern Club in Liverpool in 1962 was found after 50 years waiting to be found in a desk drawer.

Check out the weekly Podcast. Marty Miller’s This Week in Music History.