Close To 1000 Fines Issued To Covidiots Breaching Restrictions Endangering Lives

Close To 1000 Fines Issued To Covidiots Breaching Restrictions Endangering Lives

Close to 1,000 fines have been issued for non-essential travel by An Garda Síochána.

Last weekend, over 300 fines were issued for suspected breaches of the public health regulations related to non-essential travel.

An Garda Síochána will be continuing its series of checkpoints and high visibility patrols at public amenities across the country this weekend in support of public health regulations.

Deputy Commissioner, Policing and Security, John Twomey said: “The vast majority of people are complying with the non-essential travel regulations. This is very welcome.

However, there are still some people who are not compliant.

These regulations are in place to protect public health.

At a time when significant numbers of people are dying or seriously ill we all need to do all we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

If people want to protect our health service and support our doctors, nurses and other front-line workers who are putting themselves in harm’s way every day to tackle COVID-19 then they should stay home.

They should only make essential journeys, reduce their contacts, practice social distancing, and wash their hands. Please stay safe and keep others safe by staying home.”

Of those receiving the fines, 77 per cent have been male and 23 per cent have been female.

The age breakdown is: 18-25 (40 per cent), 26-35 (26 per cent), 36-45 (21 per cent), 46-55 (8 per cent), 56-55 (3 per cent), and 66 plus (2 per cent).