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Israeli People Enjoy Slight Return To Normality With ‘Green Pass...

Sections of the Israeli economy has begun to reopen, thanks to a rapid COVID-19 vaccination drive reaching almost half the population....

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work? Put It To The Test...

Coors Light are going to test your teamwork skills to the max with their epic new challenge rooms in both Dublin...

What’s On This Weekend? Find Out Here!

IT'S THE WEEKEND! It's finally here and it's absolutely sizzlin' out there - there is a god! So, if you're wondering what...

The Top 10 Gigs To Hit Up This Month!

Ok, so we're not sure May was the best month to try and delegate our top 10 gigs as there seems...

So You Think You Had An Impressive Weekend? …. How...

So You Think You Had An Impressive Weekend? .... How Awesome Are These People? The Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series...

Have You Seen Wild Wild Country Yet? Prepare Yourself…

So now that my Netflix ban is lifted, I have continued to read my books (HA), and not sit in front...

Court Victory For Misery Moggy

The infamous Grumpy Cat has won a huge court payout in the United States. The permanently frowning moggy became a social...

Ireland’s Great Get Together Is Happening And Here’s How You...

Fresh from the huge St Patrick's weekend comedy gig in the 3Arena and her putting her dancing shoes behind her -...

Calls For Irish Documentary Makers To Submit Films

The Irish Film Institute are calling on filmmakers to submit entries to the festival, which runs from September 27th to 30th. Festival...

What’s Your Excuse For National Sickie Day?

Having a tummy bug is the most common excuse used on "National Sickie Day," which falls on Monday 5th February. It's been...